Zen & The Art Of Skiing

I’m not saying I’ve got Warren Miller DVDs stacked tall in my collection, but if I come across a skiing movie while flipping through channels, I’ll watch for a bit. However, this is one of the best looking ski movies I’ve seen. It may just be that the trailer, with its slowed down footage and…

Quote O’The Day

“Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” P.J. O’Rourke, Libertarian with an outstanding sense of humor (I’ve met Mr. O’Rourke a few times and he is easily one of my most favoritest people in the world. If you haven’t already, read Parliament of Whores. You won’t…

Good News For Dead People

The Walking Dead is, arguably, the best comic book being published these days. With 69 issues out, this long running story is nearly seven years old. The book’s creators, Robert Kirkland and Charlie Adlard take an overdone genre – the zombie apocalypse – and give it an incredibly fresh take that results in a dramatic…

Let’s Hear It For Good Decision Making Skills

That bastion of hard-hitting journalism, The Sun, ran a story about how total fucking idiots proud new parents are naming their children after characters in the movie Avatar. So, one day, your kids will be going to school – not with Michaels and Susies – but Neytiris and Toruks. (I have no idea what those…

The Most Awkward Moment Of My Life

This story took place in November 1998. My wife and I had been trying to have kids for a while, but with no success. Due to her family history, the doctors were pretty sure the problem was in my wife’s girl parts, but they wanted to rule me out. The following is what has become…

F = m(dot) ve + ( pe – pa ) Ae – tinsel

Driving home the other day, I saw an enormous pile of Christmas trees at the park. City workers take the old trees and drop them in local lakes to form a habitat for fish. I thought to myself, driving past this mountain of fir and spruce, there has to be a better use for old…